dreams come true... prayers are answered... miracles happen...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

it's official

It's official, we are a family!!  Last Wednesday, April 14, we went to court to finalize Zackary's adoption. Jeff and I each had to go up and testify and then the judge ordered the adoption final.  (It was in much more legal words than that.)  I didn't feel any differently until later that day when I read the part of the document where it says the male child born November 19 is declared to be the adopted son of Jeff and Tiffany.  It suddenly hit me that I have a son!  Sometimes I still can't believe that he is here, that he is ours, and that he isn't going anywhere.  We are so blessed to have him and once again can't thank Yvette enough for what she has given us.  We LOVE you and we LOVE adoption!

Zackary talking to the Judge after it was all over.  He seemed to know what was going on and was very interested in everything that was going on around him.  He seemed to like him until suddenly he realized he was talking to a stranger and then started crying.  It was kind of funny.

We are a happy family!

With our caseworker, Merilee.

With our attorney, Paul.

We are so thankful for Merilee and Paul.  They worked so hard to get all our paperwork in order and to get everything to go smoothly and it did!  It couldn't have been more perfect. 

We spent the day as a family and celebrated with lunch and dinner and shopping and lots of smiles and laughing.  From now on April 14 will be family day!  The day we officially became a family!


Dasha said...

That is so sweet. Is it standard to have so many months pass before it is legally official? He's so cute! I'm so happy for you guys.

Emily said...

I don't know if you remember me, but my husband and I met you at the FSA conference a while ago and I check your blog now and again. I can't tell you how happy I am to see that you now have this amazingly adorable little son (seriously he is SO cute. That hair!). You three make one very good looking family. Saying congratulations doesn't seem good enough. We are so happy for you.

The Knudsen's said...

YAY!! I am so happy for you!!

Taryn said...

Hooray!!! My heart swells & my eyes fill with tears as I read this. I love your idea of April 14th being family day. I'm sure that will be a tradition you & Zackary will be excited to carry on. Love you!

JR Atwood said...

Congrats on the little one. He is adorable.

Amy said...

Yahoo! Congratulations!

Patti said...

Yea, Hooray, Congratulations!

John said...

Jeff & Tiffany, that is awesome